Specialist in One to One and Small Group Private Tuition

11 Plus

11 Plus Exams are taken on a voluntary basis. They are more commonly known as entrance exams to certain Public and Grammar Schools.

11 Plus Exams usually consist of some or all of the following (depending upon the school being applied to):

  • Verbal reasoning (VR)
  • Non-Verbal reasoning (NVR)
  • Maths (MA)
  • English (EN)

The exams usually take place at the beginning of Year 6.

At Woodcroft Tuition we cover all of the above subjects.

To book or for further information please Call or Text on 07462 839 444




"Great tutoring with a truly personalised programme of tuition"

from Kavit (Kenton)

"I really enjoy my tuition and look forward to my class every week"

from Nikita (Stanmore)

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